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I previously wrote about the traits of a good leader in a startup. I spent some time reflecting on the key traits I value when hiring new teammates. This isn’t a comprehensive list, just some of the key traits that I care about.

  • Adaptable - Is not demotivated, overwhelmed, or paralyzed by a change. Is energized by a necessary change or challenge. Knows that experimentation and failure are key components of eventual success.
  • Curious - Enjoys figuring out how things work, and how systems fit together — within their domain of expertise, and more importantly outside their domain of expertise. Has agency to understand how their work impacts the goals of the larger team.
  • Connective Communicator - Shares information clearly, with the right people, at the right time. Understands the context teammates have about a topic, and adapts their communication given that context. Continuously considers “What do others need to know that they do not know yet?” Takes initiative to write information down in a structured, succinct way, and shares that information openly with teammates.
  • Abundance Mindset - Believes that individual success doesn’t depend on someone else’s failure. Celebrates the wins of others, and actively helps teammates achieve their goals.
  • Pragmatic - Has a sound mental model for when a solution is good enough, when a tool is right or wrong for the job, and values simple solutions — avoiding shiny objects and distractions. Continuously considers “What problem are we solving, why are we solving it, and how do we do that in the most practical way possible?”
  • Team-oriented - Believes in winning and losing as a team, and uses this mindset to determine where their current leverage point is. Continuously considers “What is my role right now to help my team succeed given the current context?”
  • Perseverant - Believes in progress (however small) in the face of challenge and ambiguity. Believes that returns compound, and any progress (however incremental) is better than lack of action. Continuously considers “What is the smallest step I can take right now to make progress towards our goals?”
  • Goal-driven - Values setting measurable personal and team goals, writing them down, and sharing them with their teammates. Understands that goal-setting helps to reduce ambiguity and increase alignment on a team.
  • Passionate - Has authentic energy for the problem you are solving. Believes in the mission and vision – and that genuine believe helps them overcome obstacles, stay focused, and stay positive.

In a future post, I’ll share some interview techniques and questions I use to filter for the above traits. What do you care about when hiring? What’s missing here? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
